Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be A$%holes Part II- Books for Raising Anti-Racist Kids
In this moment, there is so much to learn.
There are so many voices to amplify, words to sit with, books to read and emotions to process and feel. It is time for us to listen and begin to understand what so many have been trying to share with us for so long. The world should be fair, it should be just and it should be equal for all…but it’s not. Black Lives Matter.
I wanted to mostly include books that are written and/ or illustrated by BIPOC (Black & Indigenous People of Color) for this list and don’t only focus on Black History or topics around social justice. While it is important to include those books on every bookshelf, we also want our kids to see themselves and see diverse characters experiencing the joys, and sometimes disappointments, of everyday life.